Bitcoin Airdrop Vault
Bitcoin Airdrop Vault is a multisig vault for airdrop to community or group. This airdrop vault consist of parent and child vault whose co-signer is only one.
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Bitcoin Airdrop Vault is a multisig vault for airdrop to community or group. This airdrop vault consist of parent and child vault whose co-signer is only one.
Last updated
Parent Airdrop Vault
To create airdrop vault, we need to move on New Vault on header.
In modal, you need to select Airdrop vault on header of modal. After that, you can see several options to create new Airdrop Vault.
Upload Image Here, you can set the Image for multisig vault mark when listing this multisig vault.
And these info is needed for etching the rune tokens for this multisig vault DAO token. Rune Name This is used for rune ticker. the space will be recognized as a dot in rune name Rune Amount This is amount for rune total supply. Rune Price This is the price for selling and buying the rune tokens between persons. Rune Symbol This is the rune symbol to be used in new rune token.
After this process, new airdrop vault will be created. And you need to wait for around 1 hours to etch new token you entered.
Child Edition Mint
To mint child edition, you need to move on to Marketplace option on the header
Here, you can see all airdrop vault you can mint. Once you mint this, you can get airdrop from this parent airdrop vault whenever event will be happened.
Vault Address This is parent airdrop vault address
Rune Name This is ticker of Rune Name.
Rune Price This is the price for selling and buying the rune tokens between persons. Rune Symbol This is the rune symbol to be used in new rune token. Editions This shows another editions that minted ealier than you. Mint This button is for minting the edition of this parent airdrop vault.
When you click mint button, you will see the wallet modal for sign transaction for minting. Once you confirm this sign, you will receive edition from parent airdrop vault.
If you are deployer of this airdrop vault, you can see one more button in airdrop vault card.
Thanks to his features, you can batch transfer assets to editions as airdrop. When you click Batch Transfer, you can see modal for that.
Rune Ticker - This is assets stored in this airdrop vault so you can select one among them. Balance - This shows balance with above ticker stored in this parent airdrop vault. Unite Amount - This is amount that will be airdroped to each editions. Editions - This shows both of lengh of editions and list of pubkeys of co-signers. Batch Transfer - This is submit button to batch transfer airdrop tokens.
Airdrop Edition Selling
To open modal to list, you need to follow this sequenece. First, you need to click Marketplace and then switch into Airdrop Edition Selling, here you can click Sell edition vault.
When you click this button, you can see modal for listing airdrop vault.
icker - This is assets stored in this airdrop vault so you can select one among them. Price for sell- This shows sell price for whom try to buy this edition. Upload image - This is brand image for listing.
After this, you can see your card is listed on marketplace.
If you are owner of this list, there is no Buy button in card. Once buyer will sign the buy transaction, you also need to sign the same transaction to broadcasting it to mempool. Once this psbt will get signature from both of buyer and seller, the edition tokens will be transferred from seller to buyer. So airdrop edition selling will be completed above process.
After mint, your mint button will be disabled like this. will be changed into and this means that you already mint this edition.