Bitcoin Multisig Vault
Bitcoin Multisig Vault is the multisig vault that have several co-signers to sing the transaction.
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Bitcoin Multisig Vault is the multisig vault that have several co-signers to sing the transaction.
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Create New Multisig Vault.
To craete the multisig Vault, you need to click the New Vault menu on the header.
After then, you can see this modal for getting the info to create the new multisig vault as you want. Here you need to check if new vault option is seleceted correctly.
This is modal for creating the new multisig vault.
Co-signer This is co-signer list that be used to sign the transaction in this multisig vault. Each co-signers is separeated by Enter and this is not allowed to be repeated. The one co-signer pair make the unique one multisig vault so same co-signer is not allowed to be used again.
Threshold value This vaule is used to define the vaule for threshold in multisig vault. This means to sign the transaction, at least this number of co-signer is needed among co-signers. This vaule should be equal or less than length of co-signer length.
Rune as DAO token In this multisig vault, we applied unique point to use the rune tokens as DAO token. When you check this option, you can see additional input like below picture
Upload Image Here, you can set the Image for multisig vault mark when listing this multisig vault.
And these info is needed for etching the rune tokens for this multisig vault DAO token. Rune Name This is used for rune ticker. the space will be recognized as a dot in rune name Rune Amount This is amount for rune total supply. Rune Price This is the price for selling and buying the rune tokens between persons. Rune Symbol This is the rune symbol to be used in new rune token.
When user finish this process, the multisig wallet generated successfully. Here we need some time to etch new rune tokens. new rune tokens can be etched after 6 block so after this time new rune tokens will be etched successfully.
Updating Existed Multisig Vault.
In multisig vault option in Header, you can see multisig vault that you are co-signer. If you need to update this vault, you can click Update button in each card.
When you click Update button you can see updating modal.
Address This is address of exited multisig address
Previous Threshold This is threshold vault of existed multisig address. to update multisig vault, you need to get sign from this amount of co-signers
Previous Co-signer This is pubkey list of co-signer from existed multisig vault address.
New Co-signer This is input for new list of co-signer in updated vault. Each pubkeys need to be separated with line break.
New Threshold This is new threshold vault to define minium signature to occur new transaction in this multisig vault. Here you need to set number less than number of co-signers.
Upload Image This is image for multisig vault.
After finish this process, you need to get signature from old co-signer. the minium co-signer need to be reach out until threshold vaule. In the Request option on Header, you can see the request list that you need to sign for updating multisig vault.
Here, to sign transaction, you need to click Sign Button of each card.
When you click Sign Button, you can see wallet Modal to sign transaction.
After sign, you can see your wallet pubkey will be listed on Signed Co-signer option. This means that your signature is added successfully. Here, one more co-signer will add his signature, the transaction will be broadcasting and we can update vault successfully.