Funding Options

Voy Finance aims to address the funding challenges faced by SMEs in the traditional lending landscape by offering timely financing assistance. To achieve this objective, Voy Finance employs multiple funding options tailored to meet the needs of buyers. The ESG score of a trade plays a crucial role in determining the funding source.

The lending options available include:

Liquidity Pool: Voy Finance leverages the power of DeFi to attract global investors seeking to invest in platforms like Voy Finance and earn rewards. The funds staked in the Liquidity Pool are utilized for lending purposes, and the interest benefits are distributed to members who have participated in staking within the Voy Finance ecosystem. More information about the Liquidity Pool can be found in the dedicated section.

Co-Funding with Banks: The trade finance ecosystem within Voy Finance begins with partnering banks who aim to mitigate lending risks by distributing the funding amount between themselves and the Voy Finance platform. This collaboration allows banks to provide a percentage of the required funds, while the remaining amount is supplied by the Voy Finance platform.

Green NFT Bonds: Voy Finance takes the lead in introducing ESG scores into the trade finance ecosystem and pioneers the concept of Green bonds. These funds, specifically designed to support environmentally friendly initiatives in trading, are allocated to trade agreements with high ESG scores. This approach enables quick financial assistance and offers attractive interest rates to parties engaged in high ESG scoring trading. Further details about the ESG score and Green bonds can be found in the subsequent section.

Voy Finance's diverse funding options and innovative approaches ensure that SMEs receive the necessary financial support promptly, enhancing their ability to thrive in the global trade landscape.

Last updated